10 Best Supporting Characters in Harry Potter

Joseph Anderson
5 min readApr 28, 2021

One of the best things about Harry Potter (besides the Butterbeer) is the phenomenal cast of characters. One of the things that the movies miss out on the most is all of these tremendous subplots revolving character arcs across such a diverse and believable range of personalities. Of all these fantastic characters, these are the 10 best supporting characters in Harry Potter. Notice, main character here is considered relatively broad and includes the likes of Voldemort, Snape, and Dumbledore, in addition to Harry, Ron and Hermione.

10. Professor McGonagall

Professor McGonagall is a tough lady. At one point she takes several stunning spells to the chest, and somehow lives to tell the tale. She also is the main parent figure for Harry at Hogwarts, handling his schedule, and, later, even helping him plan out the courses he will need to take in order to become an Auror.

We never learn much about McGonagall, at least not in the main Harry Potter books. But she is one of only a few Animagus of the century. So that’s saying something.

9. Luna Lovegood

Luna is kooky, but great. She’s a true friend to Harry, and her oddness only makes her more lovable. Although apart from her lovableness, I’m not exactly what irreplaceable role she plays in the…



Joseph Anderson

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