Five Creative Blogging Ideas for the Uninspired

Joseph Anderson
3 min readMay 6, 2021

There are plenty of reasons why you might be considering starting a blog. Hey — it’s 2021. Blogging has been around for a long time now. But despite what many naysayers might tell you, that doesn’t mean that your blog can’t still succeed. Sure, the days of posting random ideas on the internet that go viral might be over. But with the right mindset, digital marketing know how and more, you’ll be right on your way to creating a blog people want to read. To get you started on your blogging journey, here are five creative blogging ideas.

Write About What You Know

The age old adage “write what you know” is as much true when it comes to blogging as it ever was about writing in general. Although you can write about what you don’t know (and often will have to if you write professionally), it’s much, much easier to write about what you do know. Oftentimes, writing about a topic you are truly passionate about is just the added ingredient your content needs in order to stand out in a content busy place like the internet.

Think about your favorite topics. Separate them into a few categories. Start writing about them, and see what your audience resonates with.

Document Instead of Creating



Joseph Anderson

Founded a blog that gets 3,000,000+ visitors each year. Now building a new website to help others on their blogging journey.